I’ve been a loyal customer of Cox Communications for many years. It very much was a rite of passage as I left my parent’s house to my first apartment. For about five years, I’ve
2011 Year in Review
I know what you’re thinking, “Um, Joe, you know it’s May, right?” Yeah, I know. I’ve had a very busy 2011 and a rocking start to 2012, so that’s my excuse; guilty as charged.
Be Intentional
Oh, great. Yet another introspective reflection on my past and future packed up by some basic common sense. Bear with me for just a moment. It’s not easy to be intentional.
It Takes More than a Twitter or Facebook Logo
I’ve been thinking about the state of mainstream integration of social media in advertising for some time now. I’m disappointed at the current state of advertising social media
What I love about user conferences.
"User conferences." Blech! That’s such a corporate word. It belongs right up there with “synergy” and “efficiency.” But, what they should be called is something that accurately
Disruptive Technology
What exactly is disruptive technology? It’s a phrase that’s tossed around quite a bit among entrepreneurs, VCs and blogs, but it’s not well defined. Philosophically, I am at a loss