I've finally upgraded to Vista Ultimate. It wasn't as painful as you might expect. In any case, time to go tweak it and optimize the heck out of it. :)
Do You Like The Snap Rollovers?
At first, I was very interested in the Snap™ roll-overs, known as "site previews." Although, now I'm not so sure because it has some latency issues. It could just me be
You Know What Bugs Me?
Poor customer service! Don't you hate it when you purchase goods from a company and you are treated poorly or as if you even weren't there? The other day, I purchased a couple
Blogging: Effectively Responding to Negative Comments
One quality that make good bloggers into great bloggers is the ability to handle critical feedback. Reviewing the tips below, you should be able to seize the opportunity that is
Heroes to Zeros
Check out this spoof of NBC's "Heroes" ad. Genius. I am so sick of watching NBC's ads for this show... but this makes it all worth it. :)
Time Management 101
Yesterday, I went to a time management seminar aimed to improve my time management skills. What's was shocking was how much I needed this course since it was completely tailored