It's rather ironic that even I was targeted by spammers by these unsolicited "Follows" on my Twitter account. I don't claim any fame on it, I don't break news on it and is only a
13 Ways to Improve Your Gas Mileage
In light a fragile economy, I'd like to talk about 13 tactics you can employ to save hundreds at the pump, without buying a Prius. We know gasoline prices have risen to
Consumer Advocacy: Ad Industry Bans Sensitive Demographics
Have you wondered why you see ads on the Web for alcohol when you're in your 20s or ads for refinancing after you purchased a property or even ads for credit reports when you've
Flickr Adds Video, Users Revolt Again.
I really question the future of Flickr after they have repeatedly ignored user's feedback. This week, they added the ability for users to upload 90-second video shorts along with
Calacanis Sheds Light on 'Death by Blogging' NYT Article
NYT jumped the snark by writing a piece on the stress of professional bloggers, leading the reader to believe blogging in itself leads to premature death. I disagree with this
Top 11 Botnets Could Send 9 Billion E-Mail Spams
PCW is running an interesting article about the several botnets out there, which control more than a million machines; which could result in more than nine billion pieces of spam