… usable content.
… consistency and passion.
… a good business.
… a well-executed marketing plan.
… caring.
… humility.
Alright now that I got all that off my mind, I want to tell you why I shared this.
That is, social media and SEO will only amplify the good and the bad in your business. It won’t correct it. No matter how hard you Tweet.
We speak of “strategy” but many interpret that to mean an array of tools, applications and short-term tactics. Yes, while they work, they deliver no value if you have no reason to do them. A solid start to a strategy is either a series of goals (and goals, I mean measurable deliverables) or a given problem that impacts the business. From there, depending on the topic, the audience and their capacity to use various social media applications you can build an effective social media and/or SEO strategy that is sound for your business.
My advice is not to look for the next replacement in components in your marketing; rather, try new uses for existing tools and new ways to possibly interact with the audience your already have. The behaviors you demonstrate dictates how others engage with your business.