College Humor has a new installment of the Internet Commenter Business Meeting. It has more memes, more NSFW references, and even more like the Web. If this was a podcast, I’d totally subscribe to it.
Watch the original, then watch the new one titled, Commenter Business Meeting 2.
In this you will find references to:
- “First Post!”
- “Pwnd!”
- “Heil Grammar Nazi!”
- “Zing!”
- “Can’t edit yourself”
- LOLCat
- LOLerskates, LOLapalooza, Great LOL of China, ‘I fought the Lawl and the Lawl won…’
- Off-topic banter
- “Meh.”
- Wikipedia references.
- The immediate distraction of pr0n (girls kissing)
- Scrolling
- Troll, who is lonely.
- Offensive picture (probably Goatse).
- “Burying”
Wow. Just watch it.