Anyone who sends e-mail a lot should be relieved to hear two companies who aim to standardize and improve legitimate e-mail delivery have aligned and merged together. ReturnPath acquired Habeas to unite to provide users the best of both worlds — certification, tracking, analytics and feedback.
This merger provides the best value for legitimate e-mail senders, even novice ones, too. Both companies offer a compelling list of benefits and features which would make it a tough decision to choose one over the other.
Habeas published a concise FAQ on the merger and assured existing clients consistent support and smooth transition. It’s pretty good. (Wouldn’t it be nice if TimeWarner did that for AOL?) Anyhow, both companies are buzzing about the great news.
Here is an example of the transparency and authenticity of Habeas —
Q. What is happening and why?
A. Habeas is being acquired by Return Path. This merger will bring the two leading email deliverability and reputation management companies together as a single company under the Return Path brand.
The new, global company will be better, provide more innovation for deliverability products and services, and will improve reach and advocacy regarding email practices among senders, receivers and the industry as a whole.
ReturnPath posted the annoucement on their E-Mail Marketing Water Cooler blog, in typical copy-and-paste fashion from the PR release. There was also a message from ReturnPath CEO, Matt Blumberg, who got the troops ready for making friends with their new allies. In a relaxed fashion, Habeas is glad to get ‘More Cowbell’ in light of the changes.
I believe this is great news for e-mail recipients, because these companies will provide the best intelligence and tools to e-mail senders so they can be sure they don’t violate your mailbox. E-mail Service Providers (ESPs) like Infusionsoft are one of the clients who will be able to reap and cascade the benefits downward to their clients.
Good consumer advocacy, good announcement, good spirits. Keep it up ReturnPath! 🙂