“Cyber Monday,” the shopping day after Thanksgiving, was a success with very minimal headaches for consumers.
Yahoo’s Small Business Web sites did go down for a bit. I imagine this probably upset eager merchants who were expecting a large flow of online sales. Web surfers, like everyone else probably just moved on to another Web site that flaunted free shipping or related deals.
The numbers were pleasing, too. Retailers are happy to report that overall, Cyber Monday sales rose 21% from last year, with consumers spending $733 million in a day online.
Personally, I didn’t do any shopping; as I was stuck in a vacuum catching up from other urgent/important matters that were left over the holiday weekend. However, I imagine that some people did manage to purchase something. (However, when do you decide to start buying things over your corporate network? … I’ll save that for a future entry.)
Did anyone get anything online on Monday? I know I didn’t, but just curious if you want to be a statistic. 😉