We've all heard about credit scores, but not many of us know exactly how they work or why they benefit us. After having many conversations with others, I want to offer a refresher
Here’s how I approach WordPress troubleshooting
In my earlier post, I shared why it’s important to be naturally curious when facing any problem you experience -- from cars to WordPress. WordPress is just like any mechanical
The Importance of Troubleshooting
I often take for granted the one skill I grew familiar with about ten years ago: troubleshooting. Troubleshooting doesn’t need to involve computers, but for me, it turned out that
Are you Targeting Your Prospects?
When I think about explaining why a business should use social media, I think about this example. Not every business needs to use social media, but if your customers and prospects
Spokeo: Another Tool for Stalkers
If you are concerned about your privacy, you’ve got to read this. Spokeo is a free service that has boatloads of data on nearly everybody. It’s simple to use and you can see where
When Price IS Value
We say it all the time, and for the most part it’s true: “Price is not value.” However, there are sometimes exceptions to this and I wanted to highlight one favorable experience I