When you hear the term “Sender Policy Framework” (SPF), it doesn’t sound too sexy or worthwhile for your business to send emails. It doesn’t scream urgency or flaunt tangible
A Disturbing Email Marketing Trend: Sneaky Unsubscribe Tactics
I’ve witnessed an unfortunate trend over the past several months involving more email senders making unsubscribing a challenging experience for recipients. I’ve been in the email
What Every Driver Needs to Know about Progressive Snapshot
For the past six months, I signed up to participate in Progressive's Snapshot Discount program, which offers a device that you attach to your car that transmits data about your
Class Action Rebate Settlements
You might have seen those official notices informing you that you could be party to a class-action settlement with a company. There’s a nifty website that will help you keep up on
While I don’t exactly consider myself a millennial, I’m Generation-Y, I have given plenty of thought about the generation following mine. Millennials get a lot of grief, but I
How to actually benefit from Twitter
When I joined Twitter in 2007, I didn’t know what I was getting into. Neither did a majority of Twitter users based on their first Tweet. Not too long ago, Twitter offered a nifty