Apple will be leaving the PowerPC Processor (Motorola+IBM) and moving to Intel (x86) architectures. This can mean more competition for Microsoft, and hopefully a price drop for their goods. However, both Microsoft and Apple rape their customers for their money so we’ll see how this all works out.
Steve Jobs announced at the WWDC keynote today that Apple is switching to Intel processors. MacNN has live coverage. The bottom line is that Mac OS X for the last five years has been running on Intel, the switch is expected to be complete in two years, and Rosetta will allow PPC apps to run on Intel-based Macs, transparently. If you’re using Xcode, it is small changes and a recompile; otherwise, you might be seeing a lot of work ahead of you. You will be able to order the 10.4.1 preview for Intel today.
(Source: Slashdot)