So lately, I’ve been browsing some interesting blogs in the ‘sphere and My Money Blog caught my attention. I’ve been reading it over the past few weeks, and got me thinking.
Here’s this guy who is just a regular person, blogging about saving money and shares his genius with others, collecting feedback and tips on the way. He openly sets out his goals and is pretty straightforward about it, too. He isn’t some self-hyped financial guru who talks about getting rich quick. He speaks to the heart of Financial America, I’d like to label as the middle class. So, I keep reading, and I learn he isn’t much older than me, and is simply applying common sense in managing his money — in the form of a blog.
Everyday, I’m learning awesome tips and gaining valuable insight. It’s almost better than reading a [boring] money or finance page on the big three. His unique style, combined with his straightforward tutorials, can help almost anyone learn to grapple their financial woes to the ground and remain in control. Seriously, this country rewards the rich, so the rich stay richer. The key is managing your money now, so you can manage it later.
Here are some helpful blog entries I’ve come across on his blog. I visit them a few times a week to refresh myself and begin to soak up the advice, you should too!
- My Rough Guide To Saving and Investing
- Earn 5%+ APY in a Savings Account
- Making Money From Balance Transfers – What Happens After The First Year?
- Big List of Free Budgeting Tools and Software
- How To Make Money From 0% APR Balance Transfers
I’ll talk about my money in a bit and I’ll see what you think in my next entry. For now, enjoy the link lovin’ above. 🙂