Are you hunting for a job or cringing at paying that variable rate mortgage? Perhaps you pray for lower gas prices? Well, rest assured that your Congress is looking out for your best interest by further regulating cellular phone usage on airplanes with a nifty little bill abbreviated, “HANG UP.”
In an effort to minimize the distracting, annoying and often lame phone calls made from within stuffy cabins of commercial aircraft; a new bill has been introduced to further dictate how we communicate with our loved ones, our business contacts and friends. The act is titled, “Halting Airplane Noise to Give Us Peace Act of 2008” or “HANG UP.” Right now, it’s being scheduled for debate.
Why bother debating about weak energy policies or perhaps an economy that hangs together with pins and needles? It’s quite evident you know where the 110th Congress’ priorities are when they can not only craft a bill to further regulate how we live; but to put a catchy name to it.
Knowing how politics works, all the wireless carriers (especially those who profit via Roaming) will be sure to send their lobbyists wine and dine politicians to ensure they can still let their consumers make telephone calls, any time.
If anyone things this is about safety — I urge you to watch the MythBusters episode that covers the effects that cellular phones and RF devices have on aircraft. (Spoiler: they don’t.)
Kudos to Valleywag who watch the sensless bills that roll through congress so I don’t have to.
[Image Credit: Prameya, Flickr]