I dont necessarily mean this post to be a retraction to my previous ones; however, it shows the developmental process one goes though. I also dont mean this to sound, hm, “Flaming” or queer in anyway. A very long story short – Mark and I went through a lot of bullsh!t together and that messed up the friendship that we grew on. We had a long discussion last week about things, and well we have accepted our difference with understanding. Even though it was chemically induced to talk, it was still a logical discussion. In my job, we do a lot of observation, and getting observed; so it was my turn to observe and extract the facts in this situation. Here is what I observed – and don’t take me wrong, all my opinion. Mark has shown an astounding level of responsibility he has taken to improve himself. He also has swallowed emotional maturity to grow more, and take initiative backed up with a backbone of values – not just expectations people set. This is rather unique for me to say coming from my mouth where I have been through the drama and BS with him – but overall change will happen. Likewise, it was his time to change as our situations are changing. Speaking of change…
Mark and I applied at Citi Cards/Bank/Financial call center. I merely was curious and wanted to tag-along, but curiosity killed the cat and I applied with him. Even though I have the “perfect” job in my opinion for this point in my life – I get 401k, benefits, 10.52/hr; and a constant 6-mo schedule, and a company I certainly love. Time Warner has been good to me, maybe not so good to investors; and is improving for customer focus. I am opting for change, I have been working there for 1.75 years, and in the same ‘entry level’ tech support position. I am never qualified enough for the posting for higher technical positions due to lack of formal education. Not to mention the very department I wanted to work in for 2 years thus far, was laid off. That discourages me and loses faith in my potential with AOL. I am censored to a degree of my technical abilities and I can never execute them in a proper, beneficial way. Citi Bank may change that. I aspire to help people, and more specifically prevent fraud and crimes in that sort. I kind of have some minimal black hat experience in that area, and would enjoy the white hat exploitation of it and make it better for everyone. What I am getting at, is I want to become a Fraud Specialist at Citi. I am more confident I will get that in due time, since for one – Citi is not as much of a bureaucratic mess like AOL-TW, and the Fraud department is located right here, Tucson. That is two pluses in my corner. The compensation is so similar to AOL, its $10.00/hr, full benefits, a training program that is in-depth, and internal company bargains. I also authorized my FBI background check (wont find anything), but I also submit my fingerprints, and sign a bunch more NDA’s. It is like security clearance, since it proves my trustworthiness of confidential data, and FDIC mandated.
Its not that I dislike AOL by any means. I love working there, but Citi matches my personal career development more. AOL has is strengths and weaknesses. I learned a lot about management, middle management and about customers as a whole and I am glad they shared all of that with me. Maybe I was living a dream that I couldnt accomplish? I saw myself working in a development team next to my friend Seth in about 1 1/2 years, or so, and that never came. I know a lot to do it – but I guess opportunity never knocked for me. I even tried to grasp for it, and never got it; and these days with outsourcing, I dont have faith for a sinking ship as we hit more and more icebergs to our slow death of the number one ISP.
I now have one more entree on my plate of life to digest, and am hopeful for further development of myself. Oh BTW, Mark and I both got interviews. 😉